In 1936, just off the rail line in the quaint town of Sun Valley, Idaho, something magical happened: the world's first chairlift adorned a hill. That singular event marked a new chapter for recreational skiing, a passion that would sweep through the hearts of enthusiasts for decades to come. Fast forward to a major boom in popularity between 1950 and 1970, and skiing became not just a sport but a way of life, giving birth to over 700 ski resorts in the US alone. These resorts became bustling cultural hubs, uniting kindred souls in spending their winter seasons chasing powder. At DSNY, we resonate deeply with this fervor, understanding that the strongest bonds sprout from shared passions.
Introducing the Après Ski collection, our tribute to an era of unmatched style.
The Après Collection is made from sustainable alternatives to polyester and other synthetic fabrics. Our production is free of toxin chemicals. Here at DSNY - it is our mission to raise awareness around the consumption of plastic based fabrics.